Friday 2 March 2012

The Reality in Reality Shows!!!

I have come across an article today..
Which had an activist as well as a disparate point of view on the Reality Shows..
It had invoked a thought stream in me..
And, am here to share it..

Reality Shows..
Yes, the latest emergence in the mini screen world!!!
It had its appearance in a very squat manner..
The reason being the conventional acceptance blocks in the minds of the Indian community..
And, at a snail's pace, it could gain massive add ups to its viewers..

At the moment, it has turned an inevitable element of Indian mini screen mores..

The huge prize monies..
The keys to open the doors of a big home (“Villa” in its popular usage)..
The extra-ordinary recognition..
Everything comes along!!!!

The winner who digs up to have everything mentioned above in a very hasty mode..
Gets fanatical to the real killer of the entire might- “Ego”!!!!
And, literally, he/she tends to lose the skills they had earlier..
Even they tend to overlook their destiny..

Thus, in my opinion, the present reality shows,
Curb the humanity,
Squeeze the sportsman spirit..
And fashion an unhealthy rivalry..

Personally, I would suggest..
The huge prize monies or offerings be thrown off the screen..
The skills and talents be enriched in a more veteran way..
And, as a recognition/encouragement,
The one who excels be offered with an opening in the respective field..
To say, the winner of a Singing reality should be given a break..
Offering him/her a chance to work with a renowned music director..

This would undoubtedly rule out the dreadful outcomes of present reality shows..
And, would nurture a more healthy and gracious competition culture!!!

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